The Disco Liner

So loves there are times when you don’t wanna wear a lot of glitter over your eyes to a party or pair up a smokey eye. This one is the easiest way to just do a multi colored liner and wallah! You’re ready to go !😘

A quick tutorial for you. Watch here. Sorry about the bad quality, i’m soon starting high quality long length videos too.

For more follow me on Instagram and check out more looks. 😘




I know that’s a cheesy name.. πŸ˜› Β It stands for HOney LEmon Shots.

Now this is no rocket science, and we all know of it. BUT! many of us are lazy to make one for ourselves. And i fall in the same category.

So, this is something that my husband does for us every single morning. Isn’t that beautiful?! πŸ™‚

Today morning i decided to post this no hidden secret recipe for you. I’m doing this only with a purpose of motivation for you and gratitude to my husband.

It’s a simple recipe (per serving) :


  • 1 tablespoon organic honey
  • Half a slice of lemon
  • Lukewarm water

Simply squeeze the lemon in the shot glass, pour some honey and stir it with the lukewarm water. At the count of 1, 2 and 3 take your HO.LE Shot. Congratulations ! You just got drunk on the best detox drink on earth. πŸ™‚

If this post inspires you, then pull out your shot glasses or buy some and make a detox drink for you and someone you love.

O’ and just some health benefits of HO.LE Shots which you might want to know :

  • Kicks up the mood
  • Body Detoxification
  • Brings glow on the skin
  • Improves digestion
  • Stimulates weight loss

Please like & share if it all makes sense to you πŸ™‚




In the City of love.. sitting by the river Seine.. sipping on sparkling wine in the company of someone you love..
Most of us dream of this beautiful moment.. Don’t we?
And many of us get to live it once in a lifetime..
Well, i have it on my checklist too ! πŸ™‚
I just got married a month ago and the other day my husband and i were already discussing plans on our 1st wedding anniversary..
So, when he asked me which place on earth i wish to be with him on the very special day, my heart at once said “PARIS”!

While he was at work and i was home, i was thinking about what i’d wear, how i’d do my make-up, hair, accessories etc.

I opened my closet and spotted this beautiful neck piece you see in the picture. That’s a very beautiful art piece gifted by my mom. I’ve never worn it before and i am now going to wear it next year while i am in Paris.

To compliment this neck piece, i’m yet to find the perfect dress ( you could suggest me something meanwhile πŸ™‚ ) but i have decided on my Make-up look for that evening and i just love it completely.
The subtle wine effect on the eyes softly smoked out complimented by soft nude glossy lips is just so classy.
With strong brows defining my eyes and soft contour under my cheeks & jaw line has perfectly sculpted my face.Though i feel I could go a bit stronger on the jaw line. I’ll take that decision after i wear my evening dress.
I’d make a bouffant hairstyle. Again, open hair or tied..I’ll take that call after i find the perfect dress.

So, here’s what i’d like to do as my look for an evening in Paris.
If this look inspires you, go ahead and look the prettiest of you on your special day… πŸ™‚

Neck piece source: INDIA !!

Make-up Brands: M.A.C, The Body Shop, INGLOT